
Seek the Kingdom First – Matthew 6

Jesus spoke often of the “Kingdom of God”. One of the most famous verses about the kingdom is in Matthew where Jesus says “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. In this section, Jesus is telling the people not to worry about the daily … Read more

“I am God, who are you?” – Job 38

Have you ever met someone who is deeply inquisitive? You know, someone who is always looking for the answer to whatever question is gnawing at them? I’m one of those people. Since a young age I’ve been trying to understand people, relationships, myself and especially God. “Why are things the way they are?” I often wonder. Why would … Read more

Help Your Neighbor Improve – Mark 12

Have you ever read Luther’s Large Catechism? Many of us are familiar with Luther’s Small Catechism from our time in confirmation, but what is the Large Catechism? The Large Catechism is a collection of sermons that Luther preached expounding on the catechism. It was published to aid teachers and parents in sharing the faith with … Read more

Who is my Neighbor? – Luke 10

Lately I’ve been reading a book entitled Greek for the Rest of Us. It’s a book that teaches a person to utilize the vast amounts of Greek bible study tools without actually learning to translate Greek. In the opening chapters of the book, the author explains why we have different translations and the pros and … Read more