Ministry Coordinator

Town Hall-Style Meeting

We will be hosting a town hall-style meeting on Sunday, September 11 following 9:30am worship, during our coffee fellowship time. There will be no education hour that day, but everyone is invited to join the conversation as we talk about the mission we believe God is calling us as Bethel to live out, not just … Read more

Please Join Us in Prayer

Bethel’s Leadership Team is developing a plan for the future of Bethel’s mission. The Leadership Team invites Bethel members to join in this work by regularly and fervently praying for God’s wisdom and leading. God knows the plans He has for us, and how He wants to use us as His people. Romans 15:5-6 “May the … Read more

Summer Worship

Our first outdoor worship service will be June 12 (weather permitting). Throughout the summer we will plan to worship outside, except on the first Sunday of each month, when we will gather inside for a full Divine Service liturgy.