
God’s Journey with Us

God could have created us and then abandoned us and forgotten all about us.  In fact, many people today believe that is exactly what God must have done or at least they act as if He did.  Many have assumed that God the Father is not interested in them, so why should they be interested … Read more

God Does More

For over a decade, Bethel Lutheran Church has held an enormous rummage sale with the expressed purpose of raising money to support our families who send their children to Christian schools and those going into professional church work.  Simple.  People give us their old stuff, we sell it to people who want to buy it.  … Read more

Material god

The Bible does not condemn money or material possessions.  Money and possessions can do great things, most especially when they are used wisely and kept in proper perspective.  Some of the great people of the Bible were very rich.  For example, Abraham, Isaac and Solomon were perhaps the riches men of their day. Well the … Read more

Jordan Ray Resignation

People of Bethel Lutheran, The time has come for my wife Marcie and I to leave our family here at Bethel and make our way back out west. Our last day will be on May 31st at our fifth Sunday celebration. We’ll be heading up to Alexandria to spend a few months with family before … Read more

Do Not Hinder the Young – Mark 10

Some people brought little children to Jesus to have him hold them. But the disciples told the people not to do that. When Jesus saw this, he became irritated. He told them, “Don’t stop the children from coming to me. Children like these are part of God’s kingdom. I can guarantee this truth: Whoever doesn’t … Read more