
GodSpeak Group: Week 51

Week 51: Proverbs 22-Ecclesiastes 2

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Monday, August 30 Proverbs 22-23  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. It is good to examine why we do things that are routine or a long time habit. Just because “we’ve always done it” does not make it bad; we just need to make sure we know “why” we do things so that we can do them well. Christian education is a case in point. Why do you read and study Today’s Light? Why does your church conduct a Sunday School of have Bible classes? Why do congregations dedicate so many resources to Lutheran schools or our church to colleges and seminaries? Review some of the reasons for having these programs with your group. Then look at Proverbs 22:19. What is the reason for Christian education that Solomon gives here? There are several other Christian education passages in this section of Proverbs. What do these verses have to say about why Christian education is so important: Proverbs 22:6; Proverbs 23:12, 17, 23. Consult also these passages: Proverbs 16:6; Proverbs 14:26–27; Proverbs 9:10. Conclude your study by praying for all the agencies of Christian education in your church and the people involved. Inquire if there is some way you might help at one of these agencies of Christian education.

Tuesday, August 31 Proverbs 24-25  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. “It’s not what you say, but how you say it that’s important.” What does Proverbs 25:11–18 say about this statement? What does the Lord want us to be very diligent about saying (Jonah 1:1; Deuteronomy 6:4–9; Matthew 28:19–20; 1 Timothy 4:9–13; 2 Timothy 1:8–10; Colossians 4:2–6)?

Wednesday, September 1 Proverbs 26-27  Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
3. Proverbs 26 and 27 are not uplifting chapters. Solomon shows his statement of Proverbs 27:19 to be true by giving negative examples. Look at Proverbs 26 and describe the types of people described there. Identify what Solomon says is so bad about each one. Unfortunately, we are all like the people described. Only God can remove the stain that we all bear. Comment on God’s Word of forgiveness in these passages: 2 Corinthians 5:14–21; Ephesians 2:1–10. Then pray for His forgiveness and new life.

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Perseverance is a value that is highly prized in Scripture. Even though the going gets tough or painful or redundant, we go on. Every once in a while it’s good for us to encourage each other to persevere. So, in the spirit of GodSpeak, I thought we’d listen to what God has to say about … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 50

Week 50: Proverbs 10-21

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Monday, August 23 Proverbs 10-11 Read & Listen Online (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. For many years the sign-off line of a news commentator was “That’s the way it is.” Many of the proverbs in Proverbs 10-11 are like that. Choose a few proverbs and discuss how what is said is just how it works out in life, for good or ill. Select your own proverbs to discuss, but try these also: Proverbs 10:7, 32; Proverbs 11:10, 12. Now look at a few proverbs that specifically talk about God. For example, look at Proverbs 10:22, 29; Proverbs 11:1, 20–21. How would you summarize the messages of these proverbs concerning God? What might the Apostle Paul say concerning Proverbs 11:21? See Romans 3:10–12, 21–24; 6:18; Galatians 5:1.

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GodSpeak Group: Week 47

Week 47: Psalm 83-118

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Monday, August 2 Psalm 83-89  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Its Wednesday – the day appointed for reading Psalms 83–89. Some people call it “hump day” – the day we get over the hump and head for the weekend. Are you longing for the weekend? Or, are you longing for going to church here in the middle of the week? What’s the difference? In Psalm 84 the psalmist longs to go to church. Identify some of the things that the psalmist anticipates. What are some of the blessings you receive from your participation in worship (Acts 2:42; Acts 5:42; Acts 11:28–30; Acts 20:7; Colossians 3:12–17; 2 Thessalonians 1:3–4)? Thank God for the blessings of and the opportunities to worship with fellow Christians.

Tuesday, August 3 Psalm 90-95  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. How many pictures of security in God can you find in Psalm 91? Identify and explain them. Which one is most meaningful to you? Why?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 46

Week 46: Psalm 48-82

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Monday, July 26 Psalm 48-53  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. What?s your favorite riddle? The psalmist presents a riddle in Psalm 49: Why should I fear when evil days come and the wicked surround us (verse 5)? What are his reasons for not fearing that he presents in the rest of the psalm? One answer to the riddle comes in Psalm 52:8. How would you state the psalmist’s answer of faith? What support do you find for your answer in Psalms 48-53 and elsewhere in Scripture?

Tuesday, July 27 Psalm 54-60  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Many people are weighed down by misfortunes – several serious health issues, broken relationships, job related difficulties – and the load seems to get heavier by the day. What difficulties weigh down people you know? David felt that he was surrounded by enemies and evildoers (See especially Psalm 59.). He was weighed down by his own sin. Which sections of Psalms 54–60 indicate that God was his source of strength and hope? Which verses give you hope and strength when you are surrounded by difficulties?

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Debt Free

Isn’t it Over? Perhaps you are thinking what I’m thinking these days. Haven’t we recovered from this recession yet? Certainly we could have figured out a way to come out from under this economic weight! Someone lighten the load! Unfortunately the load isn’t lightening all that quickly. Many of us are struggling with employment, putting … Read more

GodSpeak Group: Week 45

Week 45: Psalm 12-47

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Monday, July 19 Psalm 12-17  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Elections are upon us this week. Concerns for what lies ahead are to be expected. What hope can you draw from these promises of God in Psalms 12 through 17: Psalm 12:5–7; Psalm 13:3–5; Psalm 16:5–6; Psalm 17:6–7?

Tuesday, July 20 Psalm 18-22  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Psalms 18 and 19 seem to form one great song in which David praises God for using His might and strength to protect and care for His people. Identify and explain to your group several pictures of God’s strength in these two psalms that bring you comfort and joy?

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GodSpeak Group: Week 43

Week 43: Job 15-31

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Monday, July 5 Job 15-17  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Job’s words, recorded in Job 16:19–22 remind us of Romans 8:26–27. Who promises to intercede for the people of God when we, like Job of old, feel weak and incapable?

Tuesday, July 6 Job 18-19  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. Explain Job’s confession of faith, recorded in Job 19:25–27.

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