GodSpeak – Expect the Kingdom to Come – February 17-22

Expect the Kingdom to Come

We pray it every time we say the Lord’s Prayer. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Do we believe it will really happen? Do we believe God will do it through us?

Monday, February 17
Read 1 Kings 18. Elijah expected God to show up, and he did. Do we expect God to work? When does God work? Does he always work the way we want him to work? What should our expectation be?

Tuesday, February 18
Read Acts 8:26-40. Philip guided the Ethiopian eunuch through Isaiah 53 explaining how Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecy. It seems baptism was an integral part of the discussion. What did Philip do when he saw the chance to baptize the man? Who do you know who God is preparing to be baptized?

Wednesday, February 19
Prayer: Remove Doubt It’s easy to doubt the work of God when we don’t see faith coming to those we love. Pray that God would remove doubt from your mind and heart. Ask God to prepare you to be ready so that when they are ready to be baptized, you’re ready to do it.

Thursday, February 20
Read Acts 10. Sometimes the Kingdom comes in ways we would never expect, taking us far out of our comfort zones. That was the case for Peter. Look around you with different eyes. Where is God working already? How can you join him in that mission?

Friday, February 21
Prayer: Joyful Expectation Nobody likes being out of their comfort zone. Today pray that God will give you a joyful expectation of his working through you, even though it may be uncomfortable! Ask for joy. Expect God to save people!

Saturday, February 22
Read Acts 16. Paul and Silas were on an amazing journey together. How would this story be different if they doubted that God would work through them to bring people to be baptized? Would there even be a church in Philipi? What does it look like to have that same faith today?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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