GodSpeak – Galatians 4 – March 24-29

Reading Paul, Hearing Jesus (GEPC)
Galatians 4

In our baptism we have been brought into a new family. That means we are the children of God. We also have a promised inheritance. Paul wants to make sure we don’t throw it all away.

Monday, March 24
Read Galatians 4. We are the children of God. We are the adopted heirs of the promise. Why is this such a powerful point for Paul to make to the Galatians? Do we catch some baptismal language in v.6? What does Hagar and Sarah have to do with it?

Tuesday, March 25
After reviewing Galatians 4, read Matthew 21:28-46. Which of the sons did the right thing in the first parable? Who has the vineyard been lent to now? According to these parables, who are the heirs of the Kingdom of God?

Wednesday, March 26
After reviewing Galatians 4, read Mark 10:32-45. Paul says our slavery to the old nature is over through Christ. What does Mark 10 have to say about slavery? How is this slavery different? How did the Galatian churches show that kind of attitude toward Paul?

Thursday, March 27
After reviewing Galatians 4, read Luke 10:25-37. The priest and Levite passed by the man for selfish reasons. How is this like the situation the Galatian churches were facing? Why do the Jewish Christians insist that they follow the law?

Friday, March 28
After reviewing Galatians 4, read Genesis 21 (Genesis 16). Here we see the story Paul refers to about Sarah and Hagar. Peek back into chapter 16 and trace the promise of God through the story. What happens when Abraham doesn’t trust God’s promise?

Saturday, March 29
After reviewing Galatians 4, read Luke 13. Jesus is definitely marking the territory between the new covenant and the old covenant. Where do we see Jesus making those distinctions in Luke 13?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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