GodSpeak – Acts 3 – April 30-May 5

Acts 3

In our readings this week, the healing of a man lame from birth provides an opportunity for Peter and John to speak to their fellow Jews again about Jesus.

Monday, April 30     Read Acts 3:1-10. Peter and John heal a man who was lame from birth. By healing him they gave him a new life. The world is open to him now. How did the man respond? Do we recognize daily the gift of new life give to us in Christ and respond in joy and praise?

Tuesday, May 1     Read Acts 3:11-26. Peter tells the people on Solomon’s Colonnade, “you killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead”. What does that mean, “the author of life”? How does that shape how we view life?

Wednesday, May 2     After Reviewing Acts 3, Read John 9:1-8. Jesus healed the man blind from birth giving him new sight and changing the course of his life. Are there areas of you life that Jesus needs to opens your eyes to see? Are there sins you need to repent of? Are there places in your life that need to be surrendered to God’s will?

Thursday, May 3     After Reviewing Acts 3, Read Isaiah 53:1-12. This is one of the most read prophetic passages in the Scriptures. Read it slowly and hear it anew. Lament our disobedience and praise God for his faithfulness and grace.

Friday, May 4     After Reviewing Acts 3, Read 1 John 5:1-12. Take a closer look at verses 11-12. John speaks of eternal life. When does this eternal life begin? How does that change how we live our lives?

Saturday, May 5     After Reviewing Acts 3, Read Isaiah 55:6-13. What parallels do you see between this passage and Peter’s speech? Compare Isaiah 55:6-7 and Acts 3:17-20. Also, Isaiah 55:11 and Acts 3:6-7.

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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