GodSpeak – Matthew 5:38-48 – April 15-20

Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 5:38-48

Jesus calls us to be radically humble and relationship oriented, even if it means we suffer damage to our bodies or possessions. It’s hard, but it’s also true.

Monday, April 15
Read Matthew 5:38-42. It is shocking to have Jesus say we shouldn’t defend ourselves. Why does this shock us? What does Jesus want us to value? What do we value instead?

Tuesday, April 16
Read Matthew 5:43-48. Love your enemy. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. How is the heavenly Father perfect? How does the Father love his enemies? Hint: Colossians 1:21

Wednesday, April 17
After reviewing Matthew 5:38-48, read Romans 12. Why does Paul suggest we present our “bodies as a living sacrifice?” What does Paul say a “living sacrifice” looks like?

Thursday, April 18
After reviewing Matthew 5:38-48, read Lamentations 3:1-33. Jesus is not coming up with a new law. He is getting to the heart of the matter. How do we see the same message coming from the desolation of Lamentations?

Friday, April 19
After reviewing Matthew 5:38-48, read James 1:1-18. What is the nature of temptation? How do you see James mirroring the message of Jesus? What is your temptation?

Saturday, April 20
After reviewing Matthew 5:38-48, read Luke 23:26-34. Simon was forced to walk the mile. He did it. How did God use Simon’s humility for his purposes? What “miles” are you forced to walk? How do you see God using your sacrifice for the sake of others?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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