Jesus: A True and Better Abel

Sunday, June 5, 2016
Pastor David Seabaugh
Scripture Readings: Genesis 4:1-16; 1 Peter 3:13-18; John 12:23-33



Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions

The Bible isn’t just a disconnected story book. The whole Book is a single narrative that points to someone greater: The True God, True Man, Ruler and Creator of all. 

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us see you always in scripture and in our daily lives.

Monday, May 30
Read Genesis 4. Get to know Abel. What did he do, and what was he like? Get to know Cain. Contrast the two. What do you see of God’s character?

Tuesday, May 31
Read Genesis 4:2 and John 10. Sheep have a great significance in the Bible. They require a lot of care. Humans do too! See the task of Abel. How is Christ the better shepherd?

Wednesday, June 1
Read Genesis 4:4, John 1:29, and Ephesians 5:2. Sheep had significance, and so did lambs. They were sacrificed as atonement for sin. Jewish custom called for a perfect, spotless lamb. Why? Why did John the Baptist call Jesus the Lamb of God?

Thursday, June 2
Read Gen 4:5-9 and John 1:11. Abel was innocently slain by one of his own. Who else was not received well, and what did they do to Him? How was He innocent?

Friday, June 3
Read Gen 4:10-11, Romans 5:8-10 and Hebrews 11:4. What did Abel’s blood cry for? What did Jesus’ blood cry for?

Saturday, June 4
Read Hebrews 10:19-22 and Hebrews 12:24. How is Jesus’ sacrifice true and better than Abel’s sacrifice of sheep and sacrifice of self? What has Jesus’ blood done for us?

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