GodSpeak – Acts 4 – May 7-12

Acts 4

In our readings this week, the disciples are called on to give an answer for their continued insistence on preaching and healing in the name of Jesus.

Monday, May 7     Read Acts 4:1-22. Peter and John stand before the Sanhedrin for healing a man born lame. They are told never to speak Jesus name again. How do they respond?

Tuesday, May 8     Read Acts 4:23-37. Starting in verse 32 we read the second summary of life in the early church (see Acts 2:42-47). Why were the disciples so ready to sell their land and houses?

Wednesday, May 9     After reviewing Acts 4, Read John 9:9-41. Read this parallel passage from John. Jesus’ disciples experiences in the book of Acts often mirror some of Jesus’ own experiences. A servant is not greater than his master. Have you ever been called to answer for believing in Christ? What would you say if you were?

Thursday, May 10     After reviewing Acts 4, Read Psalm 27. David prays confidently for the Lord to deliver him from his enemies. We have a God who will hold us up in times of trial. The next time you are afraid, pray through this psalm and ask God to deliver you.

Friday, May 11     After reviewing Acts 4, Read Luke 12:22-34. All too often we run after the things of this world. We work and gather, work and gather, gather and gather until we feel safe among our things. Jesus says that we are not to worry about having enough. What does he want us to seek? Why?

Saturday, May 12     After reviewing Acts 4, Read Ephesians 5. Paul shares with the Ephesians what the Christian life looks like. Paul says to “be very careful, then, how you live” and “make the most of every opportunity”. What do you think he means by that? How does that change priorities for a disciple of Jesus?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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