Reformation 500 Part 2
Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions
Martin Luther fought the catholic church so that all people might have access to Scripture, prayer, and the sacraments. Imagine your life without these things. That was reality in Luther’s time! This week, see how we have access freely to God through Christ, the Mediator.
Daily exercise and prayer: Find the lyrics to “A Mighty Fortress is our God.” Reflect on and pray through the second 2 verses.
Mon. Oct 23
Read Exodus 19:1-6, 24, & Amos 5:6. How were the people to serve God now that they were free from bondage in Egypt? Why was a priest needed as an intermediary?
Tue. Oct 24
Read Hebrews 9:15 & 10:1-14. Jesus sanctified and perfected us in God’s sight for forever by offering Himself. Who, then, did we become? Who is Christ?
Wed. Oct 25
Read 1 Peter 2:1-12. In Christ, there is a true Priesthood of all believers. All who trust in Jesus are able to access His presence, and all of our careers, hobbies, and vocations are set apart to honor God through our service. What does this mean to you?
Thurs. Oct 26
Read Ephesians 2:11-22. Is anyone’s access to the Father greater than another’s? What does verse 18 mean? verse 21?
Fri. Oct 27
Read John 10:9 & 14:6. Who does Jesus say that He is? What part does that play in today’s culture?
Sat. Oct 28
Reread Hebrews 6:19-20 & Matthew 27:51. Imagine not being able to pray freely or read the Bible at your leisure (we have access all the time thanks to cell phones!). Now read this verse again. What does it mean that Jesus has entered within the veil as a forerunner?
Watch the Sermon
Rev. Andrew Prin
October 29, 2017
Luther did not fight against the catholic church. He fought for the catholic church against Roman Catholic corruption of the gospel of Jesus Christ.