GodSpeak – “Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise” – October 29-November 3

Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise

Monday, October 29
“Thine the amen Thine the praise Alleluias angels raise”
Read Revelation 19:1-10. John experiences an amazing thundering shout of Hallelujah from those in heaven. Why are they praising God? Do we praise God for the same reason?

Tuesday, October 30
“Thine the breaking of the bread – Thine the harvest then the cup”
Read Luke 22. Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples. The bread is broken and the cup is drunk. “This is my body…this cup is… the new covenant in my blood.” We drink forgiveness. What did Jesus drink? See Luke 22:42

Wednesday, October 31
“Gone the pleading gone the cry Gone the sighing gone the dying”
Read Revelation 7. This chapter gives a parallel vision of the church on earth and the church in heaven. What do you look forward to in heaven? What things are you glad will be “gone?”

Thursday, November 1
“Then the end of all the war”
Read Micah 4. Micah prophesies a time when peace will reign over Zion. Has that day come for us? Did Jesus accomplish that peace for us? Are we still waiting for perfect peace? Is it both? Now and not yet?

Friday, November 2
“Thine the banquet… Then the welcome to the least”
Read Luke 14. Jesus sits around a table and gives many examples here about what it means to be his disciple. It is amazing to think that we in our sinfulness could be invited. Yet by Jesus blood, we are. What kind of dinner guests are we to be, then?

Saturday, November 3
“Thine the river Thine the tree Then the Lamb eternally”
Read Revelation 22. The song ends with the same vision John saw of the new earth. In verse 20 John says, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” How important is it for us to keep John’s words on our lips and in our hearts?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com

LSB 680 Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise

Thine the amen Thine the praise Alleluias angels raise
Thine the everlasting head
Thine the breaking of the bread
Thine the glory Thine the story
Thine the harvest then the cup
Thine the vineyard then the cup is lifted up lifted up.

Thine the life eternally Thine the promise let there be
Thine the vision Thine the tree
All the earth on bended knee
Gone the nailing gone the railing
Gone the pleading gone the cry
Gone the sighing gone the dying what was loss lifted high.

Thine the truly Thine the yes Thine the table we the guest
Thine the mercy all from Thee
Thine the glory yet to be
Then the ringing and the singing
Then the end of all the war
Thine the living Thine the loving evermore evermore.

Thine the kingdom Thine the prize Thine the wonder full surprise
Thine the banquet then the praise
Then the justice of Thy ways
Thine the glory Thine the story
Then the welcome to the least
Then the wonder all increasing at Thy feast at Thy feast.

Thine the glory in the night No more dying only light
Thine the river Thine the tree
Then the Lamb eternally
Then the holy holy holy
Celebration jubilee
Thine the splendor Thine the brightness only Thee only Thee.

© 1983 Augsburg Publishing House. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, no. 100011888.



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