July 3, 2016
Rev. David Seabaugh
Scripture Readings: Genesis 22:1-14; Hebrews 11:17-19; John 10:14-18
Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions
Isaac was promised to Abraham and Sarah and was born to them in their old age. Jesus was promised to the Children of Israel for years and years, and is the only Son of God. See how Jesus is the True and Better sacrifice for our salvation.
Daily Prayer: Pray through Psalm 118.
Monday, June 27
Read Genesis 17:15-22 & Matthew 1:1, 1:22-23. What (or who) was promised to Abraham?
Tuesday, June 28
Read Gen. 18:9-15, 21:1-7; Luke 1:26-38. How does God show love & power in the supernatural? “Isaac” means “laughter.” How would you respond to God’s miracles?
Wednesday, June 29
Read Gen. 22:1-5 & John 3:16-17. What was commanded of the Promised, One and Only Son?
Thursday, June 30
Read Gen. 22:2-10 & John 19:17-19. We see the element of wood in both of these accounts. What is significant about that? Who is carrying it?
Friday, July 1
Read Gen. 22:7-8, 11-18 & Romans 8:1-4. How is salvation provided to Isaac? How is it provided to us?
Saturday, July 2
Read Hebrews 11:17-18, followed by 10:5-10. How is Jesus the True and Better Isaac?