Teaching Archives

True and Better: Pointing to Jesus

Sunday, May 22, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Hebrews 11:1-40; John 5:30-40 Watch Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions The Bible isn’t just a disconnected storybook. The whole Book is a single narrative that points to someone greater: The True God, True Man, Ruler and Creator of all.  Daily Prayer: Lord, let us see you always in scripture and … Read more

A New Heaven and a New Earth

Sunday, May 15, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Revelation 21:1-8; 22:6-21; Matthew 25:31-46   GodSpeak Readings: Scenes from Revelation

Satan’s Timely Defeat

Sunday, May 8, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Revelation 20: 1-15; Mark 3:22-30 GodSpeak Readings: Scenes from Revelation Watch  

The Tale of Two Beasts

Sunday, May 1, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Revelation 13:1-18; Matthew 7:15-27 GodSpeak Readings: Scenes from Revelation  

The Woman and the Dragon

Sunday, April 24, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Revelation 12:1-6, 12:7-18; Luke 10:17-22 GodSpeak Readings: Scenes from Revelation  

A New Heaven and a New Earth (GodSpeak Readings May 9-14)

Scenes from Revelation – A New Heaven and a New Earth A day will come soon when everything that exists will be purified back to the way God intended. Jesus ensured that through his death and resurrection. Here’s a preview. Daily Prayer: Come, Lord Jesus! Amen. Monday, May 9 Read Revelation 21:1-8. We have a picture … Read more

Satan’s Timely Defeat (GodSpeak Readings May 2-7)

Scenes from Revelation – Satan’s Timely Defeat Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions Satan will be defeated… in due time.  Judgement day.  Death will die. Daily Prayer: Dear God, thank you for binding the devil and protecting us by your Holy Spirit.  Amen. Monday, May 2 Read Revelation 20:1-6.  When is the devil “bound” or prevented from … Read more

A Tale of Two Beasts (GodSpeak Readings April 25-30)

Scenes from Revelation – A Tale of Two Beasts Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions The dragon (devil) could not destroy the woman (church), so he went after the individuals by releasing two powerful forces on the earth, political power, and false religion. Daily Prayer: Lord, keep us true to you by loving all who are around … Read more

The Church in War and Triumph

Sunday, April 17, 2016 Pastor David Seabaugh Scripture Readings: Revelation 7:1-4, 9-17; John 10:11-18 GodSpeak Readings: Scenes from Revelation  

The Woman and the Dragon (GodSpeak April 18-23)

Scenes from Revelation – The Woman and the Dragon (GodSpeak April 18-23) Here we have the epic story of God’s chosen people against evil himself.  Spoiler alert: God wins. Daily Prayer: Lord, keep us strong and faithful in the midst of the devil’s attacks.  Amen. Monday, April 18 Read Revelation 12:1-6  How might the description … Read more