The Needy Fund is a tremendous ministry here at Bethel – each dollar is given to someone in genuine need. Continue to generously give to this fund so we can share God’s love and care for those in need. Place your gift in the offering plate and mark it Needy Fund.
The Food Closet has been used many times in the past month. It is a source of help for those in need and people have been so grateful for the food provided for their families. Thank you to those who have placed food in the closet and as we continue to deal with the downturn in the economy, please keep giving to our food closet for those in need.
Opportunities Board: Bethel is providing a job opportunities area on our bulletin board. Our goal is to connect available jobs with job seekers. We need your help in providing information for the board. If you know of a job opening or are looking for a job, email that information to or call the office at 651-488-6681, or post it directly on the board. We also plan on providing information on housing opportunities.