We are Disciples of Jesus…
A disciple is someone who believes and follows the teachings of another. For us, that’s Jesus. If you want to know why, check out our Why We Exist page. Believing and following Jesus is not just something we do. It defines us. It’s who we are. It’s the life that comes in our baptism and is lived out every day.
We are disciples.
…who make Disciples for Jesus…
Disciples of Jesus follow him every day, not just Sunday. So we strive to live each day for Jesus. Living for Jesus means reflecting His awesome love into the lives of others. We love people enough to tell them that Jesus died for them and that by faith their sins can be forgiven. We truly want others to believe and be saved.
We make disciples.
…who make Disciples for Jesus.
We are not Jesus-consumers. We are Jesus-followers. We don’t share Jesus with people so that they can just be enlightened. We share the message of Jesus with people so that they can be saved and share that same message with others. Jesus was not all about himself. He was all about us. With Jesus for us, we can be for others.
We make disciples who make disciples.