GodSpeak Discussion

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From our Facebook page:

In September, Bethel will begin reading the Bible together. It will take us two years to complete, a journey that has life-changing potential. Want to join us? We’ll be reading a few chapters each day except Sunday. In worship, we’ll reflect on the readings for the week and during the week we’ll meet in groups to discuss the readings together. That’s why it’s called “GodSpeak!” We want to hear God speak to us and through us to others!

So, here’s the question:
Do you think you can join us, and how can we help one another so that we can all make it through the Bible together over two year?

I guess that’s two questions.

What do you think?

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7 thoughts on “GodSpeak Discussion”

  1. I would love to join a discussion group about the Bible. I hope I last the whole two years and that I might offer something of help to someone.

  2. I would love to join a discussion group about the Bible. I hope I last the whole two years and that I might offer something of help to someone.

  3. Already having some nice discussions with Roger and even some with Spencer. I too hope I can ready every word in the next two years. Since I live over 2 hours away it’s difficult for me to actually join a physical group, therefore using facebook or e-mail or chat lines works better.

  4. Already having some nice discussions with Roger and even some with Spencer. I too hope I can ready every word in the next two years. Since I live over 2 hours away it’s difficult for me to actually join a physical group, therefore using facebook or e-mail or chat lines works better.

  5. I never know just where to leave my sharing as I never see any sharings. But I will share anyway. The question is “Read God’s words of Abram recorded in verse 1, substituting your name for that of Abram. How has God made these words true for you through Christ Jesus?”

    Well, I can probably go on forever with the answer to this question but will try to keep this short. You see, I thought God had deserted me for many many years. Then one day a friend introduced me to Jesus and my whole life has changed.

    When I go back in my mind, I realize that God was there always, protecting me and giving me what I needed even when I was denying Him. His rewards have been greater than the mind can fathom and they just keep coming.

  6. I never know just where to leave my sharing as I never see any sharings. But I will share anyway. The question is “Read God’s words of Abram recorded in verse 1, substituting your name for that of Abram. How has God made these words true for you through Christ Jesus?”

    Well, I can probably go on forever with the answer to this question but will try to keep this short. You see, I thought God had deserted me for many many years. Then one day a friend introduced me to Jesus and my whole life has changed.

    When I go back in my mind, I realize that God was there always, protecting me and giving me what I needed even when I was denying Him. His rewards have been greater than the mind can fathom and they just keep coming.


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