
Me, My New Self and I – Colossians 3

Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution? Have you set a goal to be a better version of yourself? Maybe you’ve decided to quit smoking, give up cheeseburgers or even read your Bible everyday. The truth is we all desire to do better, to be better. So how well have your resolutions gone in … Read more

Keeping the Cross in Christmas

As it turns out, the conclusion of our GodSpeak series in Matthew coincides with Advent and Christmas. The irony is not lost on me. The crucifixion occurs during Holy Week, not Advent. Resurrection is for Easter, not Christmas… or is it? For as long as I can remember, the Christian church has complained how America … Read more

Pure in Heart

Jesus said we should be pure in heart. Why? Because our heart is the root of all our actions. From our hearts we have our motives, our desires, our goals and our emotions. So if our hearts are not right, neither will our actions be right. Mark 7:21-22 says this, “For from within, out of … Read more

Urban Plunge – Phillips Neighborhood Report

On November 16th, a group from Bethel Lutheran headed over to the Phillips Neighborhood to serve a meal, have a cross-cultural experience and hear about what God is doing in the neighborhood. We were hosted by Chris Zemple a DCO Intern and Kurtis Smith who serves as the Director of Community Outreach at Trinity First. … Read more

On Following Jesus… Gluten-Free

As many of you may know, I was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease. It seems my body attacks my small intestine when it finds gluten in my system. Over time, the damage results in malabsorption and all sorts of other bad things can happen with that. Gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye. So, … Read more

Jesus our Savior

Do you wonder where you can go for encouragement and motivation? Go back to that moment when you first saw the love of Jesus Christ. Remember the day when you were separated from Christ! You knew only guilt and confusion and then, a light. Someone opened the door and light came into your darkness and … Read more