CA’s Auditorium has gone cold!

Dear Friends of CA,
CA’s auditorium has gone cold.

Several days ago, a major rooftop unit that heats and cools our auditorium unexpectedly died. Repairing this unit will cost between $25,000 and $35,000. A new, more efficient heating and air conditioning unit will cost between $50,000 and $100,000.

These estimates come from several reputable HVAC companies. While CA has the reserves to cover these costs, we would, of course, like to use as little of our emergency funds as possible. I share this information hoping that a parent, alumni, or other friend of CA has a relationship or connection with a commercial HVAC company that might result in a cost savings for CA.

With more than ten events scheduled in the auditorium before the end of this month alone, this is a time-sensitive need. If you have a connection to a company that might be able to help us save money, please contact me at or 651-796-2677.

Thank You,
Pastor Tim Berner

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