
On Being a Shepherd of God’s Sheep

I am a sheep, complete with all the misguided, helpless stupidity that goes along with it. I am a sheep of the Good Pastor, Jesus. It’s awesome being in His flock under His provision and protection. It’s also humbling to be a pastor for the Good Pastor, to have a subset of that flock under … Read more

Worship = Rest

As a boy I remember the hustle and bustle of Sunday morning. I wasn’t always the swiftest out the door in the morning. It was a lot of work getting everything ready, picking out our Sunday best and making ourselves presentable. Unfortunately the work didn’t stop when we got to church. It had only begun! … Read more

Staring into the Sky – Acts 1

In Acts 1 we find the account of Christ’s ascension into heaven.  After giving many convincing proofs and speaking to them about the kingdom of God, the time had come for the Son to return to the Father.  Before he ascends, he commissions them by saying, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; … Read more

Accepting Others

A boy came to our village one time. He was little bit on the heavy side (too big). Noone gave him a chance to show what kind of person he was. Instead, everyone started to judge him by his weight.  Unfortunately, I did also. Later on many of us got to know him better, and he turned out … Read more

Undeserved: God’s Gift of Grace

We’ve all met people whose perception of themselves far exceeded their actual ability. If we’re honest with ourselves, we find that it’s also great description of us! It’s true! There’s nothing more humbling that being a human being. Think about it. Do we have the ability to create ourselves? No. We are in this world … Read more

The Most Important Lesson

If you are a Christian, then it makes sense that you want to learn as much as you could about Christ Jesus and His Word. You can do that by talking about the Bible with your friends and family, writing down verses or memorizing them. You can also learn by going to church and listening … Read more