
BRIDGES – Christians Connecting with Muslims

Since 9/11, the image of Muslims evokes fear and mistrust in most Americans.  Yet, Jesus teaches compassion and challenges his followers to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.   BRIDGES is helping Christians connect with Muslims.  This 6-session DVD Small Group Study provides biblical teaching about Islam and what Muslims believe, opening the door for … Read more

8th Annual Rummage Sale for Christian Education

Our Rummage Sale is Bethel Lutheran’s main fund raiser for the education assistance that is provided for each Bethel student in our Lutheran Schools.  2008-2009 Education Assistance Recipients included 15 students at Central Lutheran School, two students at Concordia Academy Roseville, two students at Gethsemane Lutheran School and one student at the Concordia Seminary. WHEN?  … Read more

Confirmation Celebration!

A Confirmation Celebration will be held next Sunday after Bethel’s Worship and fellowship time. Families of Derek Murray, Natalia Walsh, Lizzy Moeller, & Solomon Kromah would like everyone to celebrate with them in the Fellowship hall downstairs where lunch and cake will be served. Come and join the celebration!

We know you have tough questions…

…that’s why we’re ready with some answers.  What is my purpose in life? Why do bad things happen? What happens to me after I die? We ask these questions all the time.  We don’t pretend to have all the answers, but we’ll tell you about the One who does. Jesus.