The Cost of Being a Disciple – Luke 14

We are called by Christ to be disciples. A disciple not only knows or believes in the Rabbi’s teaching, but follows it. As Christians we follow the teaching of Jesus.

Jesus’ words to his disciples in the 14th chapter of Luke are striking. He tells his disciples to count the cost of following their master on the journey he is on. He then says “any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple”. What an intense calling! We are not just called to give God 10% or a tithe but rather we are called to give him EVERYTHING! The concept that we give God a portion of our finances, resources or selves and keep the rest is dead. Jesus killed it.

It’s all God’s and we live like it. How do we live like it’s all God’s? It’s a journey. It starts when we realize that God’s blessed us with much so that we can do much in His Kingdom. Seek the Kingdom first!

Finances – Our money belongs to God. We help those in need. We care for those who cannot care for themselves. We don’t leave it to the government, we take care of one another because God has given us enough to do so.

Resources – Our house, apartment and car aren’t ours, they are tools for Kingdom use. Does a neighbor need love? Does someone need a ride to church? Does someone need a place to live?

Self – We use our time and talents not towards building “the machine” or chasing the American dream, but rather towards building the Kingdom.

This is a journey. It doesn’t happen overnight. God is using us in His work of transforming people’s lives through Jesus Christ. We are called to love our neighbor in action and truth. We give up everything in this world because God has secured our lives in the next one!


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