GodSpeak – Acts 2:42-47 – April 23-28

Acts 2:42-47

In our readings this week, Luke paints us a fascinating picture of the fellowship of the early church. The church, the extension of Jesus’ mission on earth, has begun. The Spirit has come and dwells within God’s people.

Monday, April 23     Read Acts 2:42-47. This is a beautiful picture of the early believers and the fellowship they experienced. What things did do we have in common with them? What things do we not do that they did?

Tuesday, April 24     Read Acts 2:42-47. This passage is so fundamental to the life of the church that we are going to read it twice. What in this passage might the church of the 21st century need to hear anew?

Wednesday, April 25     After reviewing Acts 2:42-47, Read John 17:20-26. This passage is a piece of what we call Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. He prays for all who will believe the disciples message about him. He prays that they may be one and experience complete unity. Do you lament the divisions in the Body of Christ today? How do you work to build the bonds of unity among your Christian brothers and sisters?

Thursday, April 26     After reviewing Acts 2:42-47, Read Hebrews 10:19-25. What a powerful encouragement to the community of believers. What does this passage say is the basis for our fellowship as believers?

Friday, April 27     After reviewing Acts 2:42-47, Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-17. Paul tells the church in Corinth, which struggled with divisions, that their unity is found in Christ. It is only through the grace of God that believers can experience the unity that God gives us in Christ. Why do you think unity is part of God’s plan for the church?

Saturday, April 28     After reviewing Acts 2:42-47, Read Hosea 2:19-23. God desires fellowship with his people. Verse 23 looks forward to a time when God would look beyond Israel to the Gentiles and bring all kinds of people into a relationship with Him. How has God called you into his people?


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