Are You Baptized?
It is extremely difficult to lead someone to baptism if we don’t know whether or not they are. Since Jesus told us to baptize, we need to ask the question, “Are you baptized?” What are we afraid of? Why don’t we ask the question? Pray about it… then do it.
Monday, February 3
Read 1 Corinthians 2. Obviously, Paul is a pretty smart guy. When Paul came to Corinth, did he come as the guy with all the answers? How did he present himself? When we ask someone about their baptism, how should we present ourselves?
Tuesday, February 4
Read Acts 8:1-24. Simon was baptized but didn’t live like it. The question is still there for him, are you baptized? Then live like it. Who do you know who is baptized, but isn’t living the baptized life? How will you have the conversation with them about their baptism?
Wednesday, February 5
Prayer: Humility Pray for God to keep you humble and completely focused on the need for your unbelieving friend to be baptized or to live their baptism. Ask God to prepare you in humility for any kind of reaction they may have to your question.
Thursday, February 6
Read 1 Peter 3. When you ask whether someone is baptized, you are opening a conversation. What will you say when they ask “Why?”
Friday, February 7
Prayer: Spirit-led words Pray for God to give you the words to say. Pray that your trust in Him will shine through in the confidence of your testimony that God has given you grace through your baptism in the Triune name of God.
Saturday, February 8
Read Psalm 96. Our WaterLife is filled with the testimony of God’s work through us. Why do we keep our testimonies to ourselves? How can your testimony of God’s work turn into asking someone else about how God can do the same with them? “Are you baptized?”
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com