GodSpeak: Fulfilled-Salvation Fulfilled – December 29-January 3


Salvation Fulfilled

Not only was the birth of Jesus predicted, but also the redemption he would win through his death and resurrection.  With stunning clarity, these prophecies tell of the one who would suffer for our sake, freeing us from sin and death for an eternity.

Daily Prayer:  Thank you Jesus for suffering on my behalf, just as it was promised.  Amen.

Monday, December 29
Read Zechariah 9/John 12:12-15Zechariah prophesies that a humble, peaceful King will come in the midst of international brinksmanship.  How is that achieved in Jesus?  As his followers, how do we “speak peace to the nations?”

Tuesday, December 30
Read Isaiah 53Isaiah speaks of one who suffers for the sake of others.  We see here a tremendous prediction of Jesus’ suffering and death for our sins.  We all like sheep have gone astray.  Pray to God for forgiveness for straying from the path.

Wednesday, December 31
Read Psalm 22It is thought that Jesus uttered all of Psalm 22 from the cross, some of which was recorded for us in the Gospels.  If so, how does the end of the Psalm tell the rest of the story?

Thursday, January 1
Read Matthew 26:57-27:31Recalling the prophecies from Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22, find some fulfillments to these prophecies in today’s reading.  Thank God that he sent his son to go through this for your salvation.

Friday, January 2
Read Matthew 27:32-66.  Find more fulfillment in these passages from Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22.  Why is it so important for Jesus to suffer as he did?  Why do these earth shattering events happen upon his death?

Saturday, January 3
Read Isaiah 25/Revelation 7:9-17These promises of God are huge.  He will swallow up death forever!  Jesus defeated death on a cross and an empty tomb, but death is still here.  When is death destroyed?  What will it be like there?  How is this even possible?


Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN    –   bethelstpaul.com


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