GodSpeak – He is With Us – February 11-16

Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
He is With Us

Living as the official ambassadors of God in the world is not exactly an easy task. It’s easy to feel alone, even in the midst of a Christian congregation! When all others have abandoned there will yet remain one, Jesus.

Monday, February 11
Read Matthew 28:18-20. Why is it so important for Jesus to tell his disciples that he will be with them? What kind of task has Jesus sent them to accomplish? When do you feel alone?

Tuesday, February 12
Read Exodus 3. Moses was sent by God on a daunting mission. What assurances does God give Moses that he will be powerfully present in the process?

Wednesday, February 13
Read Isaiah 41. In the face of rising violent power from the east, what assurance does God give his chosen people? He tells them repeatedly not to fear. What are you afraid of? Which do you fear more, God or your situation?

Thursday, February 14
Read John 14. The disciples are watching their three-year, all-in commitment to Jesus coming apart at the seams. Do you try to manufacture your own peace? How’s that working for you?

Friday, February 15
Read Psalm 23. Uncertainty, insecurity, anxiety. The shadow of death is a scary place that we know too well. How does God get us from fear to a place of comfort all the way to an overflowing cup?

Saturday, February 16
Read Revelation 21:1-8. We speak of Jesus being with us spiritually, or really present in the Lord’s Supper. What kind of presence will Jesus have with us when He comes again?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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