Heart of Membership
Apostle’s Teaching
Acts 2:42 shows that the first Christian church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.” After everything these men experienced and learned from Jesus, they had a lot to tell.
Daily Prayer: Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice for me. Teach me to embody your truth. Amen.
Monday, October 20
Read Acts 2. Peter makes a bold speech in front of the same people present for Jesus’ crucifixion. How would you summarize Peter’s message? How did Peter receive this message? What was the “apostles’ teaching?”
Tuesday, October 21
Read Acts 3–Acts 4. By whose power is the crippled man healed? What is Peter and John’s message to the people and to the Sanhedrin? How does the prayer of the believers and their way of life also display the teachings of Jesus?
Wednesday, October 22
Read Luke 10:25-37. What must we do to inherit eternal life? How do we know about that love? How can we avoid being like the man who “wanted to justify himself?”
Thursday, October 23
Read Matthew 5 (Matthew 6–Matthew 7). Since the apostles were only teaching Jesus, it is important for us to also internalize what Jesus teaches. According to the Sermon on the Mount, what characteristics do we see among those in the Kingdom of Heaven? Pray that God would deepen those characteristics in you.
Friday, October 24
Read 2 Peter 1. As sinful human beings, we are tempted to be the center of attention and assume others are doing the same. What is Peter sure to communicate about his purposes? How should we respond when others persistently think this message comes from us?
Saturday, October 25
Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. What is Paul’s perspective on the origin of the message he is sending? Even as Paul struggles to explain his own efforts, what teaching of Jesus permeates? How should the reality of God’s grace permeate your life?
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com