GodSpeak – John 19 – February 13-18

The Gospel of John 19

The images of Jesus’ crucifixion are vivid: A purple robe, the crown of thorns, the sign above the cross, the others crucified with Jesus on either side, Jesus’ seamless tunic, Mary at the foot of the cross, “I am thirsty,” “It is finished,” blood and water, strips of linen. Finished or just begun?

Weekly Memory Verse: John 19:30
“It is finished.”

Monday, February 13     Read John 19:1-27. Pilate has the unfortunate of assignment of being the Roman governor of Judea. He’s in a tough spot and just wants to keep the peace. What would you do if you were in that position?

Tuesday, February 14     Read John 19:28-42. Scripture seems to be fulfilled all over the place in this chapter! What scriptures are these? Why is it significant that they be fulfilled?

Wednesday, February 15       After reviewing John 19, read Isaiah 53. How does the description of the suffering servant parallel the account of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion?

Thursday, February 16    After reviewing John 19, read Psalm 22. This is the most frequently quoted Psalm in the New Testament. How does this Psalm predict the suffering of Jesus? Notice which Psalm comes next.

Friday, February 17     After reviewing John 19, read John 4:1-15, John 7:37-39. Jesus is thirsty. Aren’t we the ones who should be thirsting for the living water from Jesus because of our sin? Why is the one who gives us living water thirsty?

Saturday, February 18     After reviewing John 19, read Hebrews 9:11-28. What is finished? What has begun? What does that mean for you today?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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