GodSpeak Life|Love – May 25-30

1 John 4:7-21

God is love.  God made us in his image to love others.  Jesus embodied that love by taking our sins upon himself and giving us forgiveness.  Therefore, we can love like God designed us to. 

Daily Prayer: Thank you for freeing me from my sin and showing me real love.  Teach me to love like Jesus.  Amen.


Monday, May 25
Read 1 John 4:7-21.  Focus on verses 7-8.  If love is total commitment to another, then what does it mean that “God is love?”  If we are made in the image of God, what should we reflect to others?  For more, see Ephesians 5:1-20.

Tuesday, May 26
Read 1 John 4:7-21.  Focus on verses 9-10We all know that we do not live the image of God’s love the way we should.  How then can we reflect God’s love to others?  What do we have to do in the process?  What does God do in the process?  For more, see Romans 5:1-11.

Wednesday, May 27
Read 1 John 4:7-21.  Focus on verse 11-12What is the only real response to God’s love for us?  How can people “see God” today?  What does perfect love look like in imperfect people?  For more, see Romans 12.

Thursday, May 28
Read 1 John 4:7-21.  Focus on verses 13-16.  How have we come to believe the love that God has for us?  Why is it so important for us to “confess” that Jesus is the Son of God?  For more, see Romans 10:1-17.

Friday, May 29
Read 1 John 4:7-21.  Focus on verses 17-18What are you afraid of?  Dig into those fears, and seek the root of where your fear comes from.  What if you replaced that fear with a love for others?  What happens to fear when we replace it with love?  For more, see Psalm 46.

Saturday, May 30
Read 1 John 4:7-21.  Focus on verses 19-21What is at the core of hatred?  Is it possible to love God and hate someone else?  What excuses do we make to hate others?  Do they hold up?  For more, see Matthew 5:38-48.

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN    –   bethelstpaul.com



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