GodSpeak – Matthew 1 – February 18-23

Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 1

Matthew is a distinctly Jewish Gospel focused upon Jesus as the promised Messiah. He is writing to Jews who claim our Old Testament to be their history. Yes, to truly understand Matthew, think like a 1st century Jew.

Monday, February 18
Read Matthew 1:1-17. Matthew begins with a genealogy of Jesus, listing the legal right he has to claim to be the Messiah. What stories from the Old Testament do you recognize from the list? Any of those names surprise you?

Tuesday, February 19
Read Matthew 1:18-25. In Matthew’s telling of the nativity story, why is it so important that Joseph be prominently featured? Notice how Isaiah’s figurative prophecy of a “virgin” and “Immanuel” are now fulfilled literally.

Wednesday, February 20
After reviewing Matthew 1, read Gen. 12:1-3 & Gen. 22. Think of what God started with one promise to Abraham! Imagine the emotions Abraham must have felt following God’s instructions in Gen. 22. What would you have done? Why?

Thursday, February 21
After reviewing Matthew 1, read 2 Samuel 7. God is making promises again, this time to King David. In v.13, when God uses the word “forever,” is that figurative or literal… or both? Whose kingdom goes on forever? How?

Friday, February 22
After reviewing Matthew 1, read Luke 1. Luke’s concern is to be as accurate as possible. He’s also writing to a more Greek audience. How is God preparing the way for Jesus to come into the world?

Saturday, February 23
After reviewing Matthew 1, read Luke 2. Luke seems much more interested in Mary, shepherds and angels than in Joseph. How do the accounts of Jesus’ birth in Matthew and Luke come together to give us a fuller view of Jesus?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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