Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 12:22-50
Blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and you won’t be forgiven. The evil heart produces evil fruit. The evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign. The evil spirit multiplies.
Jesus is stronger.
Monday, July 15
Read Matthew 12:22-37. What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? Is it possible for a true believer to do so? What makes a tree “good?” What is the connection between the heart and the mouth?
Tuesday, July 16
Read Matthew 12:38-50. Does the believing heart ask for a sign, or an unbelieving heart? What sign to we have? What is Jesus’ definition of family? How can we do this?
Wednesday, July 17
After reviewing Matthew 12:22-50, read Hebrews 6. Why is it “impossible” for such a person to be restored? Does this put a limit on God? Should we be worried about this?
Thursday, July 18
After reviewing Matthew 12:22-50, read Galatians 5. What is the fruit that comes from the good tree? What is the fruit that comes from the bad tree? Does the tree make the fruit good or does the fruit make the tree good?
Friday, July 19
After reviewing Matthew 12:22-50, read Jonah 1-4. The story of Jonah brings about images of resurrection, baptism and redemption. How does Jesus become the sign of Jonah?
Saturday, July 20
After reviewing Matthew 12:22-50, read 1 John 3. It’s a classic good versus evil scenario. Who are the children of God? Who are the children of the devil? How can we tell them apart?
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com