GodSpeak – Matthew 13:1-23 – July 22-27

Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 13:1-23

It’s storytime with Jesus and even the disciples are confused. No, Jesus isn’t a bad storyteller. He knows what he’s doing. Confused? It’s time for new eyes or new ears. 

Monday, July 22
Read Matthew 13:1-23. Does Jesus intentionally want to confuse us with the parables? If so, why does he explain it to his disciples? How does the parable of the sower help us see the real world around us?

Tuesday, July 23
After reviewing Matthew 13:1-23, read Isaiah 55. How does this prophecy of Isaiah relate to the parable of the sower? What is the role of God’s word in the process?

Wednesday, July 24
After reviewing Matthew 13:1-23, read 1 Corinthians 2. How is Paul’s message similar to that of Jesus’ purpose for the parables? Worldly wisdom does not handle the parables well. What does it take to handle Jesus’ teaching?

Thursday, July 25
After reviewing Matthew 13:1-23, read Isaiah 6. Isaiah is sent on a mission doomed for miscommunication! Why would God send Isaiah to speak and not be understood, or Jesus to confuse with parables? How does the way you live your Christian life confuse your unbelieving friends?

Friday, July 26
After reviewing Matthew 13:1-23, read 1 Peter 1:1-12. How does Peter acknowledge what the “prophets and righteous people longed to see?” Do we still see it now? Do we treat it like the precious gift that it is?

Saturday, July 27
After reviewing Matthew 13:1-23, read Philippians 1:1-11. What is the good work God has begun in us? How does it come to completion? What is our role in the process?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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