Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 18:1-14
Humility seems to be a major theme of Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom.
Monday, September 2
Read Matthew 18:1-14. Jesus mentions temptation in the midst of two sections about being childlike. Is this just a random teaching or does temptation connect with being childlike?
Tuesday, September 3
After reviewing Matthew 18:1-14, read 1 John 3. John speaks of Christians as the children of God. According to John here, what are the characteristics of the children of God?
Wednesday, September 4
After reviewing Matthew 18:1-14, read James 4. What does it look like to be humble? What is the connection to temptations? Do we live this way? What has to change to bring this kind of life about?
Thursday, September 5
After reviewing Matthew 18:1-14, read 1 Corinthians 10. We all have the temptation to think that our problems and situations are unique. Are they? What does Paul say about our temptations?
Friday, September 6
After reviewing Matthew 18:1-14, read Psalm 91. Imagine being the one sheep who has gone astray. Feel the fear, the loneliness, the hopelessness. Now read Psalm 91 again.
Saturday, September 7
After reviewing Matthew 18:1-14, read John 10:1-18. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. How has Jesus laid down his life for you? When have you strayed? How did Jesus pull you back into the flock?
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com