Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 26:1-35
The events begin to quicken. Jesus is anointed for burial and confronts his betrayer. Jesus redefines the Passover into a grace-filled meal. Jesus tells the man he called “the rock” that before the rooster crows, three denials will come from his lips. It’s all happening so fast.
Monday, November 25
Read Matthew 26:1-16. It seems like the disciples were listening! Feed the poor. Don’t waste this perfume on Jesus’ head! Why wasn’t it wasted? How do we know when God’s gifts to us are used correctly?
Tuesday, November 26
Read Matthew 26:17-35. Notice the structure. Jesus calls out Judas in his future betrayal and Peter in his future denial. In between, he establishes the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Consider what it means to you to have God’s forgiveness in the midst of your betrayal and denial.
Wednesday, November 27
After reviewing Matthew 26:1-35, read Deuteronomy 15:1-11. Jesus essentially quotes from verse 11 when he says that the poor will always be with us. What should our attitude be in regards to those who are poor? Do we give as freely as we should?
Thursday, November 28
After reviewing Matthew 26:1-35, read Deuteronomy 16:1-8. When the Israelites ate the Passover, what were they remembering? Everything they had could be traced back to the Exodus. When we eat the Lord’s Supper, what are we remembering? What can we trace back to Jesus?
Friday, November 29
After reviewing Matthew 26:1-35 , read 1 Corinthians 11. What problem did Paul recognize among the Corinthian church in regards to the Lord’s Supper? What was his solution?
Saturday, November 30
After reviewing Matthew 26:1-35 , read Zechariah 13. Zechariah speaks God’s words regarding the coming Messiah and the new covenant. Where is Jesus in this prophecy? Where are we?
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com