Godspeak – Matthew 6:1-18 – April 22-27

Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 6:1-18

What is our motivation to do good? Is it so that others will praise us, or is it because there is good to be done in our broken world? What is our motivation to pray? Is it a show, or a conversation?

Monday, April 22
Read Matthew 6:1-4. What is Jesus warning us to avoid? What is the temptation when our “acts of righteousness” are known to others? What’s more dangerous, others knowing we do good, or the pride which may accompany it?

Tuesday, April 23
Read Matthew 6:5-18. Does Jesus want us only to pray in closed rooms? When Jesus tells his disciples “how” to pray, is he just giving them the words to say, or is he showing us the spirit and intent of our prayer? Do your prayers line up with Jesus’ instruction?

Wednesday, April 24
After reviewing Matthew 6:1-18, read 1 Corinthians 13. What is love? When our “acts of righteousness” are performed for others to praise us, where’s the love? How is love truly expressed to others?

Thursday, April 25
After reviewing Matthew 6:1-18, read John 5:30-47. Who does Jesus seek to please? When Jesus performs an “act of righteousness,” what’s his motivation? What’s your motivation?

Friday, April 26
After reviewing Matthew 6:1-18, read Matthew 18:21-35. What is the message of this parable? Why is it so important that we forgive others? What does it communicate when we don’t?

Saturday, April 27
After reviewing Matthew 6:1-18, read Luke 22:39-46. How does Jesus serve as our model for prayer? Do you strive to follow Jesus even when you pray? How could your prayer life more mirror that of Jesus?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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