Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 6:19-34
Jesus challenges our self-perceptions of pride and control. God’s people function differently in this world, not treasuring money and what it can buy. We put all things in to God’s hands, even as we desperately want to grasp it for ourselves. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Monday, April 29
Read Matthew 6:19-24. What is a heavenly treasure? How is it different than earthly treasures? What happens to us when our hearts are set on earthly treasures?
Tuesday, April 30
Read Matthew 6:25-34. Consider all the things that must be in place for you to be alive and well that you have no control over. What fundamental change happens in us when we seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness first?
Wednesday, May 1
After reviewing Matthew 6:19-34, read 1 Timothy 6. Does our culture urge us toward contentment or dissatisfaction? What is Paul’s advice for those who are rich?
Thursday, May 2
After reviewing Matthew 6:19-34, read James 5:1-7. Why is James so angry with the rich? Do you see this kind of behavior around you? Could James call you “rich?”
Friday, May 3
After reviewing Matthew 6:19-34, read Job 38. Job gets a mouthful from God about what God controls versus what man controls. Why is it important for us to humble ourselves?
Saturday, May 4
After reviewing Matthew 6:19-34, read James 4:13-17. How do you talk about the things that you plan for in the future? Do you speak of them as if they will definitely happen just as you plan them? Consider how your conversation might change with a little advice from James.
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com