GodSpeak – Matthew 9:1-17 – June 3-8

Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 9:1-17

Surprise! Jesus forgives the paralyzed man lying in front of him before healing him. Surprise! Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners. Surprise! The bridegroom is here.

Monday, June 3
Read Matthew 9:1-17. What message does Jesus send to the people by forgiving the paralyzed man before healing his body? Why does Jesus allow himself to be associated with the tax collectors and sinners? What does “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” mean?

Tuesday, June 4
After reviewing Matthew 9:1-17, read Isaiah 33:15-24. Isaiah describes the reality for those who walk in righteousness. Notice the last verse. How is there a connection between illness and forgiveness?

Wednesday, June 5
After reviewing Matthew 9:1-17, read Psalm 28. Jesus could read the hearts of the men standing around the paralyzed man. See v.3. According to David, what should our attitude be?

Thursday, June 6
After reviewing Matthew 9:1-17, read Luke 15:1-10. Jesus tells a parable to explain the time he spends with the tax collectors and sinners. Who do you spend time with?

Friday, June 7
After reviewing Matthew 9:1-17, read Hosea 6. “Mercy, not sacrifice…” Didn’t God set up the sacrifices? Why would God say he wants mercy, not sacrifice? How does Jesus help us to know what this means?

Saturday, June 8
After reviewing Matthew 9:1-17, read Luke 17:20-37. Jesus describes the culmination of the Kingdom of God. How does this passage help us to know why the disciples didn’t fast? Do you fast? Why or why not?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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