GodSpeak – New Creation – April 2-7

UNDESERVED: God’s Gift of Grace
New Creation

God’s grace is perfect in his creation. He gave us an amazing gift by saving us from our sins. He delivers that gift in baptism and communion. One day, Jesus will come back. The gift of a perfect creation will return, and all who have received his grace will live forever with him.

Weekly Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

Monday, April 2     Read Isaiah 65. The typical law and gospel prophecy explodes at verse 17. Is Isaiah just talking about the captives returning to Jerusalem or is this describing God’s new creation at the end?

Tuesday, April 3     Read Job 19. Job truly knows suffering. You can see the pain in his words. Even in the midst of his suffering, what is Job’s hope? Is that our hope too?

Wednesday, April 4    Read John 11. What does Jesus show us by raising Lazarus from the dead? Look closely at vs. 25-26. What does Jesus mean by life? Is it physical, spiritual, or both?

Thursday, April 5     Read 2 Corinthians 5. Paul longs for the day he sees Jesus in heaven. What does it mean for us to be a new creation in Christ? How does Paul make the case that since we are a new creation, we are also ambassadors for Jesus?

Friday, April 6     Read Revelation 21 Revelation 22:4. This is a picture of the new earth God will create when Jesus comes again. Even though the symbolism can be challenging, what is this place like?

Saturday, April 7     Read Luke 24. Jesus’ resurrection initiates the new creation in us. How is the world a different place since Jesus is risen? What does it mean to for you to believe Jesus is alive?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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