GodSpeak – Patience & Persistence – February 10-15

Patience and Persistence

Most people don’t jump right into baptism the moment we ask them. There is usually a period of time where the Holy Spirit is working to bring faith into their heart. There will be lots of questions and difficult discussions. It may seem like nothing is happening. What now?

Monday, February 10
Read Acts 1:1-11. When did the apostles expect Jesus to restore the Kingdom to Israel? What was God’s real plan for these apostles? What is your typical reaction to a difficult, open-ended task?

Tuesday, February 11
Read Acts 9:1-22. Saul the Pharisee had to make quite the transition to become Paul the Apostle. What challenges and struggles accompanied the transition for Paul, Ananias and the other believers? What is your role in helping someone through their transition?

Wednesday, February 12
Prayer: Patience Today, pray for patience. We live in a culture where immediate gratification and entertainment can kill our patience. God works in his time… and it’s perfect. Pray for the faith to have patience and wait on God.

Thursday, February 13
Read Romans 12. In this passage we get the sense that Paul is saying, “Keep it up!” Which parts of the Christian life described here are the hardest for you to maintain? What happens to our witness to others when our own discipline is lacking?

Friday, February 14
Prayer: Persistence Today, pray for God to give you a spirit of determination and persistence. The world will come at us with every temptation and distraction. We will easily become discouraged when things don’t seem to be happening. Pray that God will fill you with joyful zeal to continue his work no matter what.

Saturday, February 15
Read 2 Timothy 3:1-4:5. Does our world still have the kinds of things Paul talks about in the beginning of chapter 3? What happens when we give in or give up? What does it take to “fulfill your ministry?”

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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