GodSpeak – “Prepare the Way” – November 26-December 1

Prepare the Way

Chorus 1: Prepare the way (2x) Prepare the way of the Lord
Chorus 2: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Chorus 3: You are the light of the world (3x) Jesus
You are the King of the earth (3x) Jesus

Prepare The Way by Charlie Hall & Louie Giglio; © worshiptogether.com songs CCLI License No. 3270439


Monday, November 26     “Prepare the way of the Lord”
Read Isaiah 40. In a bold rhetorical move, Isaiah speaks to the people as if they are already in exile in Babylon. Who are they preparing for? What kinds of things happen when he comes?

Tuesday, November 27     “Prepare the way”
Read Malachi 3. God’s people are back in the Promised Land after their exile to Babylon. Why are they still preparing the way? Whose way are they preparing for now?

Wednesday, November 28     “Prepare the way”
Read Luke 1:56-80. Zechariah prophesies about his newborn son John that he will “prepare the way” for the Lord. What extra details to be see here about what’s being prepared?

Thursday, November 29     “Prepare the way”
Read Luke 7. By this time the way had been prepared and Jesus had emerged. What does Jesus have to say about the one who prepared His way? What does Jesus tell us about recognizing the works of God before our eyes?

Friday, November 30     “You are the light of the world”
Read John 3. Jesus is the Light of the World. Why do we love darkness so much? What does John do when the Light of the World emerges on the scene? How can we do as John says in verse 30?

Saturday, December 1     “You are the King of the earth”
Read Psalm 47. What a great psalm of celebration! What are they celebrating? Do we celebrate the same kinds of things about the King of the earth?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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