Psalm 8 (GodSpeak Readings Jun 15-20)

Psinging through Psummer
Psalm 8

The Psalms are the songbook of the bible.  These are the songs on the lips of kings and common people.  They are the songs of faith and the challenges to faith.  In this psalm we hear King David, in awe of a mighty, majestic God.

Daily Prayer: Teach us to be like children, trusting totally in you, our majestic God.  Amen.

Monday, June 15
Read Psalm 8According to this psalm, what is our relationship with God?  Explore the various emotions that are expressed in the psalm.  Why is it important for us to realize the majesty of God?  What emotions do you share with David?

Tuesday, June 16
After reviewing Psalm 8, read Exodus 34:1-9What does Yahweh proclaim his name to be?  In what ways would you describe that name to be “majestic?”  What experiences bring you closer to the majesty of God?

Wednesday, June 17
After reviewing Psalm 8, read Matthew 11:25-30Why is Jesus so thankful that God has hidden these eternal truths from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children?  What is unique about children that make them a great example of our relationship to a majestic God?

Thursday, June 18
After reviewing Psalm 8, read Genesis 1:24-31Often when we think of dominion, we think of oppression.  How can dominion be a good thing?  How did God intend for us to “rule” the earth?  What part of that dominion do you rule over?  How’s that going?

Friday, June 19
After reviewing Psalm 8, read Hebrews 2The author of Hebrews quotes Psalm 8 in order to show how the perfect man, Jesus, had perfect dominion over the earth.  Having that dominion, what did he do with it?  How can we do likewise as followers of him?

Saturday, June 20
After reviewing Psalm 8, read Philippians 4:4-9Paul encourages us to think about the beautiful things of life.  How is David doing that in this psalm?  Think of the beautiful things surrounding you.  What does your psalm sound like?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN    –


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