Psinging through Psummer
Psalm 96
God gave us a great gift when he gave us the gift of song. But we’re not the only ones singing! All creation sings in praise of its creator. Let’s join the chorus!
Daily Prayer: Lord, open my heart to rejoice in your goodness and grace.
Thank you for saving me. Amen.
Monday, August 31
Read Psalm 96. Every day is new, unique and crafted by the hand of God. Think about your day today. Is it just something to be endured, or is it something to be celebrated? Think of your favorite Christian song and sing it the rest of the day. Smile! God is good!
Tuesday, September 1
After reviewing Psalm 96, read Revelation 5:6-14. What is the “new song” being sung here? What makes that particular day “new?” What song do you sing when you remember that a sinner like you has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus apart from your work? Sing it.
Wednesday, September 2
After reviewing Psalm 96, read Matthew 28:16-20. Have you ever discovered something amazing and the only thing you wanted to do was share this with someone else? God’s salvation through Jesus is as good as it gets! Sometimes that becomes commonplace for us. Think of a song that inspires you to share your faith. Sing it.
Thursday, September 3
After reviewing Psalm 96, read Jeremiah 10:1-16. “The gods of the peoples are worthless idols.” Jeremiah makes that abundantly clear! What are the idols of today? We certainly have them! What are the songs that our culture sings about our idols! Pray for those who worship something other than the true God.
Friday, September 4
After reviewing Psalm 96, read Philippians 4:4-9. Paul encourages the Christians in a persecuted situation to “rejoice in the Lord always.” Many of us struggle to rejoice on good days, let alone under persecution! Paul says thankful prayer brings the peace that opens up rejoicing. Pray right now and thank God for all He has done for you and those you love.
Saturday, September 5
After reviewing Psalm 96, read Isaiah 55. God’s creation sings a new song every day. How is God’s word connected with his creation? Remember that song from Monday? Spend some time outside in God’s creation and listen for creation’s song. Join the song and praise God!
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN –