GodSpeak Readings: Week 67/December 20-25

December 20-25
Daniel 7 – Hosea 6

GodSpeak readings for each day are listed below. Click the link to read the section and/or listen online. A discussion question is listed below for you to use in your GodSpeak group session or for discussion with others who are reading along.

Monday, December 20 Daniel 7-8  Read & Listen Online Daniel 7Read & Listen Online Daniel 8    (Click “Audio” link to listen)
1. Various interpreters and scholars have tried to figure out the countries and rulers that might be symbolized by the beasts and horns of Daniel 7 and 8 (See the diagram on page 1314 of the Concordia Self-Study Bible). Scripture itself gives a rough outline (Daniel 8:19-26), but the details remain a mystery. In our own day we often struggle to understand what’s going on in the world or how to make things better in a world full of strife. One thing is certain. Look at these verses of Scripture and summarize their message to us: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, 18, 22, 26-27. When Jesus dealt with the many demons that possessed a man (Mark 5:1-20), He was addressed as the “Son of the Most High God” (Mark 5:7). What brought comfort to this man and his family (Mark 5:19)? Where will we find comfort and peace in our own time? Pray for the peace of Christ.

Tuesday, December 21 Daniel 9  Read & Listen Online   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
2. What a remarkable prayer Daniel’s prayer is (Daniel 9:4-19)! Imagine that you had just read Jeremiah 24:5-7 and 25:12-14. What would you prayer for? Is this request included in Daniel’s prayer? Summarize the basic content of Daniel’s prayer? How is the situation of Christians today similar to the situation of the Israelites in exile? How is it different? Pray for the salvation of all people.

Wednesday, December 22 Daniel 10-12  Read & Listen Online Daniel 10, Read & Listen Online Daniel 11, Read & Listen Online Daniel 12  (Click “Audio” link to listen)
3. Do you live in a world where most of your acquaintances are Christian? That may not last. When Daniel was shown a great vision (Daniel 10:8), what were some of his reactions (Daniel 10:8-10, 15-17)? At the end of the vision Daniel may have been so upset that he fasted (Daniel 10:2-3). Even though we don’t understand all of the details of the vision, why do you think Daniel was so upset? State the short message of comfort the man in linen left Daniel (Daniel 12:10). It is a message of comfort to you even when it may seem to you that God’s Word, His Savior, and His promises are not cherished by a majority of people. Read Matthew 28:18-20 together.

Thursday, December 23 Hosea 1-2  Read & Listen Online Hosea 1, Read & Listen Online Hosea 2   (Click “Audio” link to listen)
4. Why might a husband take away his wife’s credit cards and car keys? Why might he disconnect the phone and the computer? Hosea essentially did this (Hosea 2:6, 9-12). What was his purpose (Hosea 2:14)? Have you fallen away from the Lord? In this section of Hosea God graphically says that he dearly wants His people back. How do the names of the children in Hosea 1-2 indicate that God wants to have His unfaithful children back in His family? What did God sacrifice to get us, His unfaithful children, back?

Friday, December 24 Hosea 3-4  Read & Listen Online Hosea 3, Read & Listen Online Hosea 4  (Click “Audio” link to listen)
5. In Hosea 4 the Lord, through Hosea, rings charges against Israel. Basically, He accuses them of disobeying the 10 commandments. Search Hosea 4 and identify the reasons the Lord gives regarding why they were so disobedient. Reflect on what we in our own time might do to avoid the errors of the Israelites. Pray for the Lord’s mercy in this regard.

Saturday, December 25 Hosea 5-6  Read & Listen Online Hosea 5, Read & Listen Online Hosea 6  (Click “Audio” link to listen)
6. Hosea 5-6 continues the Lord’s charges against Israel. Read Hosea 5:4. Identify several situations in our own times when the deeds of people make it impossible for them to turn things around; they can only continue to commit more sin. What shallow, unrealistic attitude do they hold (Hosea 6:1-3)? Will God condemn people eternally for their sin, or will He in some way save everyone, even the unrepentant (Leviticus 26:18; Ezekiel 18:20; Romans 6:23; Galatians 3:10)? What is our only hope (John 3:36; Colossians 1:13-14; 1 Peter 1:3; Galatians 5:16)?

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