David Livingstone
This week we’ll hear from Dean Dunavan,
about the pioneer medical missionary to Africa, David Livingstone.
Monday, January 26
Read Philippians 3:7-11. Livingstone is quoted as saying, “I will place no value on anything I have or may possess except in relation to the kingdom of Christ.” All things in his life went to serve the kingdom of God. What possessions do you have that serve the kingdom?
Tuesday, January 27
Read Romans 8:1-11. David Livingstone had an unusual set of values. Rather than desiring what the world desired, he lived by the Spirit. Pray that God gives you His Spirit to live in accordance to what the Spirit desires.
Wednesday, January 28
Read Psalm 31:1-6. Livingstone once said, “God, send me anywhere, only go with me”. God does wonderful things through those who submit to His guidance. God led Livingstone to Africa. Where is He leading you?
Thursday, January 29
Read Psalm 118. When we are following the Spirit’s leading, there are times when we need reassurance of God’s presence. Pray this psalm and be reminded of God’s nearness in your life!
Friday, January 30
Read Matthew 25:31-46. Livingstone lived among the people in Africa. He cared for people and built relationships with them. He once said, “Sympathy is no substitute for action”. Sometimes we have sympathy for others, but don’t act. What does Jesus say about putting our faith into action?
Saturday, January 31
Read James 2:14-26. Keeping on with yesterday’s theme. What does James say about putting faith into action? Can we have faith without action?
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN –