GodSpeak – Teach All His Commands – February 4-9

Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Teach All His Commands

Once a new disciple is baptized in the Triune name of God, what’s next? It’s simple. Follow Jesus. To follow Jesus means listening to the teachings of the Master and puting them into practice… all of them.

Monday, February 4
Read Matthew 28:18-20. What commands do you think Jesus is talking about? Are there any commands that do not apply to us or commands we are to ignore? How do we effectively “teach” such commands?

Tuesday, February 5
Read Deuteronomy 6. When God gives the Law to his people, what were they to do with it? Who needs to hear this more than any one else? How does that happen?

Wednesday, February 6
Read Matthew 5:13-20. What is Jesus’ relationship with the Law? If Jesus fulfills the Law, then what is the Law to us? How exactly are we “salt” and “light?”

Thursday, February 7
Read Matthew 7:12-28. How important is it for us to obey Jesus’ commands? Can we actually fool ourselves into thinking we are following when we are not? How do we know the difference?

Friday, February 8
Read James 2. It is very natural for us to separate our faith from our works. We dare not think our works alone will save us. But what is the relationship between our faith and our works? Are they really as distinct as we want them to be?

Saturday, February 9
Read 1 John 1-2:6. Why is John writing this letter? If we are forgiven of our sins, then why is John so insitent that we avoid them? What danger exists in claiming to be in the light when in fact we live in darkness?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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