GodSpeak – John 16 – January 23-28

The Gospel of John 16

The disciples of Jesus are still rather apprehensive about Jesus telling them he is going away. Another is coming who will reveal truth to the world. Their grief will turn to joy. Even though it will seem like all is lost, have peace, Jesus has overcome the world.

Weekly Memory Verse: John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


Monday, January 23     Read John 16:1-16. Take the position of these disciples who then know nothing of the Trinity. Who is this Counselor Holy Spirit? What does he do? Is he God?

Tuesday, January 24     Read John 16:17-33. This section speaks of an anticipated joy. When does that joy come? Has it already come, or are we still looking forward to it? Or is it both?

Wednesday, January 25     After reviewing John 16, read Acts 26. Hard to believe people would think killing a Christian would amount to service to God. How awesome is our God? See Acts 26.

Thursday, January 26     After reviewing John 16, read 1 Corinthians 2. Paul speaks of a secret wisdom. How is it revealed? How does that correspond to the work of the Spirit that Jesus speaks of?

Friday, January 27     After reviewing John 16, read 1 Peter 1. Jesus speaks of a complete joy that we will be able to speak plainly about. Does the joy described by Peter qualify as “complete”? Why or why not? What makes this joy so… joyful?

Saturday, January 28      After reviewing John 16, read Revelation 21:1-7. Peace is hard to come by in this world. That makes Jesus’ words in John 16:33 all the more powerful. We have peace because Jesus has overcome the world. How has Jesus overcome the world? What does our peace look like? According to Rev. 21, what will it look like?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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