Disciple (n./v.): The Gospel of Matthew
Matthew 28:18-20
Our Journey into Discipleship begins where the Gospel of Matthew ends, with the Great Commission. We’ll slow it way down and take Jesus’ instruction one idea at a time. First Jesus speaks of his authority…
Monday, January 14
Read Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus says that “all authority has been given to him.” Why is he telling the disciples this? Is this news to them? Is he lording it over them… or authorizing them?
Tuesday, January 15
Read John 5. According to Jesus, what does the Son have the authority to do? Who has given him that authority? What part do we play as his disciples?
Wednesday, January 16
Read Ephesians 1. In this chapter we see both inheritance and authority. Who does Christ have authority over and what inheritance do we have as his children?
Thursday, January 17
Read 2 Corinthians 5. An ambassador is someone who is authorized to speak on behalf of the ruler of another country or kingdom. Since we are in the Kingdom of God and God calls us to be ambassadors, what is our message? How do we represent our Kingdom? Words? Actions?
Friday, January 18
Read John 7:1-24. Check out verse 18. Is Jesus speaking about himself? Is he speaking about us, his future disciples? Could it be both? If so, be honest with yourself, whose glory are you seeking?
Saturday, January 19
Read Matthew 10:1-15. Jesus gathers his disciples. We get the list in Chapter 10. Suddenly these disciples (followers) are apostles (sent ones). What are they instructed to do? How does this compare with Jesus’ ministry? How do they have the authority or power to do these things?
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com