GodSpeak – They Need a Waterlife Too – Jan 27-Feb 1

They Need a Waterlife Too

It is only by the grace of God that we can say we have a WaterLife. Whether as a child or an adult, God has given us this gift of life and forgiveness. What about everyone else? Is this a gift that just stopped giving? They need a WaterLife too.

Monday, January 27
Read Romans 3. Is there anyone who is innocent of sin? What happens to those who are left in their sin? What has Jesus done about sin? Who receives what Jesus has given? What do you feel when you think of those who are currently left in their sin?

Tuesday, January 28
Read Matthew 9:35-38, Mark 6:30-42. Notice Jesus’ compassion. What happens to people when they are like sheep without a shepherd? Do we share Jesus’ compassion? Who is their shepherd? Who’s going to help them to know His voice?

Wednesday, January 29
Prayer: Compassion Take your GodSpeak reading time today to pray that God would give you a heart of compassion for those who are lost. It’s easy to become calloused, and dispassionate. Pray that God would soften your heart for those who are not baptized.

Thursday, January 30
Read Romans 10. Paul desperately wants his people to be saved, but Paul was called primarily to the Gentiles. How does Paul describe salvation? How does faith happen in someone? What is our role in bringing truth into the lives of other people?

Friday, January 31
Prayer: Boldness to Speak Take your GodSpeak reading time today to pray that your compassion might lead you to speak. Pray that whatever fears you may have would be submitted into the hands of our Father. Pray that the Holy Spirit in you would lead you to speak the truth in love.

Saturday, February 1
Read Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 1:1-11. Jesus’ final words to his disciples are clear. They are to give to others what they have been given. How do you integrate the commission into your daily life? How could you do it better?

Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com


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