Who is this Jesus?
He is the Fulfillment
It’s a normal Sabbath day at the synagogue, something quite similar to our experience of worship each Sunday. This was a Sabbath the people would never forget, when they tried to throw a native son over a cliff because of a “church service.”
Daily Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for coming just as the prophets said you would. Teach me to trust your words and follow in your way of love for all. Amen.
Monday, January 18
Read Luke 4:16-30. What was the people’s reaction to Jesus declaring himself as the fulfillment of Isaiah 61? What made the people really mad? Why?
Tuesday, January 19
Read Isaiah 61. Who does the Spirit of the Lord seek to help? Why? How does that same Spirit direct Jesus? How does that same Spirit direct us? Give an example of a situation where the Spirit of God used you in these ways.
Wednesday, January 20
Read Nehemiah 8:1-10. What was the people’s reaction to hearing the word of God? Why do you think they reacted that way? How did Nehemiah encourage the people to respond to the reading of God’s word? Why is it important to also receive the word of God with a spirit of celebration?
Thursday, January 21
Read Isaiah 42. Jesus reached out to the downtrodden and the outcast. According to this prophecy, the servant of God is shining a light for whom? How does Jesus show us the fulfillment of this prophecy in Luke 4:16-30?
Friday, January 22
Read Luke 17. In the synagogue, the people became angry with Jesus because of his implication that God reaches out to Gentiles when the Jewish people reject him. Where in this passage do we hear a similar theme?
Saturday, January 23
Read Acts 18:1-11. We commonly think of Paul as the missionary to the Gentile people. However, where did Paul often start his ministry in a place? What was Paul’s resolution in Corinth after preaching in the synagogue? How does this fulfill the words Jesus spoke in Luke 4:16-30?
Bethel Lutheran Church, St. Paul, MN – bethelstpaul.com