The First Coming: Joy
December 11, 2016
John the Baptist
Rev. Dennis Drews
Scripture Readings: Isaiah 7:10-17, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-25
Daily Devotional/Group Discussion Questions
The world sees joy in a child opening an awesome Christmas present. As children of God, we find joy in the greatest news ever told, and the most expensive gift ever given. This week, discover eternal joy. Daily Prayer: Pray through Psalm 98.
Monday, Dec 12
Read Luke 2:8-20. We’ll be looking at this passage a few times this week! For today, find and note key moments of joy in this account of Jesus’ first coming.
Tuesday, Dec 13
Read Luke 2:8-14 & Romans 5:9-11, 16-19. What is the “Good News of great joy that would be for all people?”
Wednesday, Dec 14
Read James 1:2-4. How has your faith been tested this season? in the past? Make a list of occurrences. Now, make a counter-list of ways these trials strengthened your faith, and another list of things that you can be joyful of and thankful for today.
Thursday, Dec 15
Read Luke 2:15-20. How are the shepherds missionaries? What does Mary have joy about? What do the people receiving the news from the shepherds have joy about? What does verse 20 indicate about the reliability of God’s Word, and the people He chooses to bring that Word?
Friday, Dec 16
Read Colossians 3:1-2 & John 15:9-17. What is the source of our joy? When we are troubled, what can we do to restore our joy? What is the difference between earthly joy and eternal joy?
Saturday, Dec 17
Read Romans 5:1 & Luke 2:14. How do these verses parallel? In what ways can we be a witness to the joy found in these verses?